CHORUS CONCERT: Congratulations to the 6th, 7th, 8th Graders as well as our High Schoolers and 'PitchForks' on a great Winter Concert last night!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
winter concert
winter concert
winter concert
winter concert
winter concert
LEADERS & STUDENTS OF THE WEEK: Congratulations to our CFMS Leadership Award winners (Chantel, Brody, Jayden, & Rhiannan) and Students of the Week (Lily, Giuliana, & Emma) for this past week! Keep up the great work. We are proud of you!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
CF ALUMNI MEET: Join us for the Alumni Meet at Greene High School, welcoming all CF alumni swimmers! The meet features a lineup of 10 events, allowing alumni to create mixed-gender relays for any event. Please note that diving and the 500 Yard Freestyle are not included. If interested, reach out to Mr. Helfrich at
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
CF Alum Swim Meet
SPECIAL GUEST: Mrs. Quaranta's Class had a guest speaker visit their business classes. Isabella Rullo, (Cf Alum) spoke with the students about her career path and how it has changed. She also discussed the importance of participating in clubs and taking college level classes while in HS. Bella is a 2020 Forks grad in her 4th year at St. Joseph's college studying Food Marketing. The future is bright for Bella and she is excited to share her experiences.
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
Bella Rullo
Bella Rullo
Bella Rullo
CFMS SPIRIT WEEK: Check out the Middle School's Spirit schedule for next week!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
spirit week
CFE SPIRIT WEEK: Take a look at what to expect next week at CFE!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
CFE Spirit Week
DNA FINGERPRINTING: Students in Mrs. Giovenco’s Advanced Placement Biology class performed a technique called DNA fingerprinting with the help of a kit from the Cornell University. This technique is used to compare similarities in human DNA in areas such paternity testing and crime scene investigations. Students compared DNA from a mother, baby and two possible fathers to determine paternity of the child. Once isolated, the DNA was cut with restriction enzymes into fragments. The fragments were then pulled through a gel using an electric field to separate the DNA fragments based on size. The biological father was determined by matching banding patterns in the DNA that formed on the gel. By doing this experiment, students gained experience in a technique commonly used in science labs, but not usually taught until college. They were also able to see how science can help solve issues of paternity and be used as crime scene evidence.
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
FARM FIELDTRIP: Mrs. Hantsch's students took a trip to Winsor Acre Farms this week where they had the opportunity to learn about caring for a dairy farm. Some students even hooked the cows up for milking! (They even got experience the birth of a brand-new calf!)
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
Farm Fieldtrip
Farm Fieldtrip
Farm Fieldtrip
Farm Fieldtrip
Farm Fieldtrip
Farm Fieldtrip
LIVESTREAM: Looking to livestream our Band Concert tonight? Visit our YouTube Page!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
WINTER ART: Mrs. Malejs' classes have been working hard on creating some beautiful winter scenes!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
CAPITAL PROJECT VOTE: The Capital Project Vote regarding the $11,500,000 has passed with 119 yes, and 52 no. For more information see our website.
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
Capital Project Vote Results
ART SHOW: Coming to our school to vote tonight? Make sure you stop by our art show, just outside the high school cafeteria!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
art show
PERSONAL STATEMENT TREE: Our middle school students dedicated effort to craft a tree adorned with ornaments. Each ornament carries a personal mission statement, a reflection they penned in their planners and transferred onto paper ornaments. Together, these ornaments form our personal statement tree, inspired by the quote: "A personal mission statement is akin to a tree with deep roots—stable and unyielding yet alive and ever-growing."
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
statement tree
statement tree
statement tree
statement tree
statement tree
ORNAMENT SALE: The High School Tech Club is selling Color Changing 3D Printed Ornaments! (Made right here at the school!) If you are interested, fill out the Google Form attached below!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
FROM CF CHEER: Join us for the 3rd Annual Holiday Cookie Tray! See poster for details!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
CF Cheer
REMINDER: Proposed $11,500,000 Capital Project VOTE Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 - High School Auditorium | 12 PM to 8 PM
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
LAST CHANCE TO WIN AN ADVENTURE IN COSTA RICA! Attention all adventure seekers! This is your FINAL opportunity to embark on the journey of a lifetime in the breathtaking landscapes of Costa Rica! The lucky winner will be revealed on December 15th, and it could be YOU! Get ready for an unforgettable experience surrounded by lush rainforests, pristine beaches, and vibrant wildlife. This adventure promises thrills, relaxation, and memories that will last a lifetime! How to Enter: To secure your chance at winning, grab your tickets now! Tickets can be purchased by contacting any Costa Rica club member or by emailing Hurry, time is running out, and this is your last shot at the adventure of your dreams! Winner Announcement: Mark your calendars for December 15th! We will be announcing the lucky winner on the official class Instagram page: @laclasedesrablack. Make sure to follow us and stay tuned for the exciting reveal! Click or Tap this link to see where YOU could be staying!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
Costa Rica
TICKET WINNERS: Congratulations to our CFE ticket winners this week!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
ticket winners
STUDENTS OF THE WEEK; Congratulations to our Middle School Students of the Week & Leadership Award recipients!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
RISE AND SHINE: Mr. Paske helped our CFE friends focus on how to be a good friend! Congratulations to our shoutouts!
9 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
rise and shine