March Superintendent’s Day Clarification: CF Families, please be aware for planning purposes, that our March Superintendent’s Conference Day is Friday, March 14. The district calendars mailed home have indicated that it would be March 7, but this is not the case. There is no school on March 14.
Superintendents Day March 14. No school.
Registration for 2025-2026 Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) and Kindergarten at CFE is here! Who: CF Residents who have a child or children entering UPK (turning 4 on or before December 1, 2025), or Kindergarten (turning 5 on or before December 1, 2025) What: UPK and Kindergarten Information Night When: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Where: Chenango Forks Elementary Auditorium Time: 5:45 pm
UPK and Kindergarten Registration
Are you passionate about your career or industry? We'd love for you to join us at the Chenango Forks Elementary Career Fair! Date: Thursday, March 27 Time: 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Come share your experiences and knowledge with our amazing students. This is a wonderful opportunity to inspire what could be the future generation in your field! Sign up here to participate:
CFE Job Fair Flyer
CALLING ALL VENDORS! CF Dollars for Scholars will be hosting their 4th Annual Craft Fair on March 15, 2025, from 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. and are looking for vendors with a wide variety of products! Contact for more information or to register. Vendor registration is $40 without a table and $50 with a table.
Spring craft fair flyer
REMINDER: The Chenango Forks Band Boosters are holding a bottle drive on Saturday, January 11 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Chenango Forks High School, outside of the auditorium. Bring all of your redeemable bottles and cans to help support our band boosters!
Bottle Drive
Our high school art students have brought the beauty of winter to life with their amazing creations! From charming snowmen and snowwomen to cozy cottages and graceful ice skaters, their artwork is a true celebration of the winter season.
student artwork
student artwork
student artwork
student artwork
student artwork
student artwork
student artwork
student artwork
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: The Chenango Forks Band Boosters are holding a bottle drive on Saturday, January 11 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Chenango Forks High School, outside of the auditorium. Bring all of your redeemable bottles and cans to help support our band boosters!
Bottle Drive
Last night, the CF MS/HS Winter Chorus Concert filled the air with incredible music! The 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade choruses, the high school chorus, and our select choir, the Pitchforks, delivered wonderful performances to a full house. Several talented soloists were spotlighted throughout the evening, and the grand finale brought all the choruses together for an unforgettable moment. A big thank you to Mr. Vavalle for his hard work and dedication to our choral program!
about 1 month ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
chorus concert
chorus concert
chorus concert
chorus concert
chorus concert
chorus concert
chorus concert
chorus concert
chorus concert
chorus concert
On Wednesday evening, the middle school and high school bands held their winter concert. The event featured performances by the 6th grade band, the 7th and 8th grade band, and the high school concert band, with a total of 10 musical selections. It was evident to all that the students put a lot of time and effort into preparing for their concert. A special thank you to Mr. Pace and Mr. Reynolds for their dedication and leadership in guiding the CF band program. We look forward to the choral concert on Monday, Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m.
about 1 month ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
band concert
New item added to the High School Tech Club online store! Offering woodworking and 3D printed projects, these purchased help support our Technology Club and make great holiday gifts. Order by December 19 at 12 p.m. to ensure that items are available for before winter recess. Order here:
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
tech club sale
Attention Senior Families: You can create an ad to cheer on your senior in the back of the yearbook. Use this link: and choose "Yearbook Ads" to design and pay for your Seniors ad online. Deadline to place Senior Ad is February 9, 2025.
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
Yearbook senior ad
Important livestreaming update from Chenango Forks Athletics: We will start live streaming all home events to our Hudl Fan Page beginning this Thursday 12/12/24 at our home boys Basketball game vs Owego. Fans can watch all home events (CFE included) as well as some away events (as long as the opposing team is broadcasting) from this page. You can also download an app. Below are both iOS and Android app links. : HUDL FAN PAGE : iOS App (iPhone)
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
Devils Head
The High School Tech Club online store is now open! Offering woodworking and 3D printed projects, these purchased help support our Technology Club and make great holiday gifts. Order by December 19 at 12 p.m. to ensure that items are available for before winter recess. Order here:
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
tech club sale
Congratulations to our outstanding student musicians selected for Senior High Area All State Festival! Treble Chorus: Kayla Caswell | Mixed Chorus: Aidan Link and Virgil Sehn | Concert Band: Nolan Sirgany | Symphony Orchestra: Aaron Oshrin Students were selected based on their NYSSMA solo/ensemble festival scores last spring and will participate in the Zone 3 Senior High Area All State festival, which will be held at Ithaca College in February.
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
Area All State Students
Thank you to all of our volunteers and doners who helped make our annual Holiday Basket Program a huge success! Through your generous donations, we have been able to help nearly 100 CF families in need. In addition to collecting food, cold weather items such as hats, blankets, and pajamas, through our partnership with Toys for Tots we were able to provide toys for all CF families with children 10 and under who participated. A special shout-out to the CF football players who helped with the Toys for Tots pickup!
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
Football Players unloading toys
Football Players unloading toys
Football Players unloading toys
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Winter Concerts!
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
Winter Concert dates
Deadline to register has been extended to Thursday 12/5! Sellers can email to reserve a table.
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
toy sale flyer
toy sale form
 High School Families! Now is your chance to give a gift certificate for a reserved yearbook as a stocking stuffer or holiday gift! Those who are interested should email the HS yearbook Advisor at to request your gift certificate and you must purchase a yearbook at Yearbook prices will increase as the year goes on, so now is the perfect time to lock in your price!
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
Yearbook Gifts
Chenango Forks Dollars for Scholars Hoffman's Car Wash for a Cause Campaign: Help raise money to support the CF Dollars for Scholars program. This program grants scholarships to CF District residents who are graduating seniors, helping to pay tuition to support continuing education. The fundraiser runs through Dec. 20!
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
dollars for scholars car wash flyer
REMINDER: Holiday Basket Distribution will take place on Thursday, Dec. 5 from 4-6 p.m. at CFE. Enter through the lower level and present a valid ID. Please do not bring children to the distribution, if possible.
about 2 months ago, CHENANGO FORKS CSD
Holiday baskets graphic