HOMECOMING 2023: Come out and support #ForksNation TONIGHT at 5:30 as our band and fall sports teams put on a parade! The route starts at CFE and ends at the high school with a bonfire! We hope to see you all there!
SPIRIT WEEK: Today all school celebrated 'twin day'!
DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS: Chenango Forks Dollars for Scholars still has Festival of Lights tickets for sale! If you plan on going to the light show at Ostiningo Park this year, please consider buying your tickets from CF Dollars for Scholars. Single visit tickets are $25 (one ticket needed per car) and season passes are $60. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to scholarships for our 2024 graduating seniors. We can accept cash or checks made out to Spiedie Fest. Email Kerri at kerrivail7@gmail.com if you are interested.
RISE AND SHINE: Congratulations to our student shout outs from this week’s Rise and Shine Assemblies. This week Mr. McMullen hosted our Rise and Shine assembly for our students in grades 4th and 5th grade. He talked with students about bullying and how to be a good friend and stick up for one another.
HOMECOMING 2023: See our #ForksNation events for this weekend!
HOMECOMING 2023: Looking for ways to support #ForksNation this weekend? Check out our complete schedule of events! Please note that the dance is for our high school students only.
SPIRIT WEEK: Our high school and middle school celebrated 'Barbie & Ken' Day while our CFE students celebrated 'Crazy Hair Day'!
HOMECOMING 2023: We are proud to announce the 2023 Chenango Forks High School Homecoming Court! Alexandria Borelli, Kara Condon, Rylee Curtis,
Caitlyn Link, Alexis Scott, Ayssa Specchio | Jacob Beadle, Christopher Boyle,
Dustin Jump, Conway Mallory, Walker Paske, Stephen Samsel
SPIRIT WEEK: Today the Middle and High Schools celebrated Tropical Shirt Day, while at CFE they had Neon Day!
TRUNK OR TREAT: Join the CFE PTO for this year's Trunk or Treat event! Click the link to learn more, and sign up!
PTO APPAREL SALE: The CFE PTO is having an apparel sale! Click the link below to check it out! https://scholasticsportssales.chipply.com/chenforkspto-2023/ | Any questions or comments should be directed to cfepto1@gmail.com
READING BUDDIES: 4th grade leaders from Mrs. Collier’s class visited the Library to read to PreK students in Mrs. Marble’s class. Our 4th graders did a fantastic job engaging our youngest in Clifford books, Eric Carle books, Pete the Cat books and more. There was lots of excitement with one 4th grader saying, “this is the best day ever!” We loved having our 4th graders and hope they come back to read again.
HOLIDAY BASKETS FUNDRAISER: Come support the CF Interact Club as they raise money for our annual Holday Baskets. CLICK the link, then SCROLL to the bottom of the page to find CHENANGO FORKS FUNDRAISER!
BOARD RECOGNITION: October 16-20 marks NYSSBA's Board Recognition Week! We would like to thank the members of our CF Board of Education for their commitment and hard work for our schools!
CFE SPIRIT WEEK: As Homecoming 2023 approaches, see how students at the CFE will be celebrating their Sprit Week!
CFE SPIRIT WEEK: As we count down the days until homecoming, see how CFE will be celebrating their Spirit Week!
CFE TICKET WINNERS: Congratulations to this week's CFE Ticket Winners!
RISE AND SHINE: Congratulations to our student shout outs from this week’s Rise and Shine Assemblies. This week Mr. McMullen hosted our Rise and Shine assembly for our students in grades PreK-1st grade and students in 2nd and 3rd grade. He talked with students about bullying and how to be a good friend and stick up for one another.
APPAREL SALE: Support the Class of 2027 by purchasing your Forks Apparel today! All items can be ordered without the "Class of 2027" portion of the logo. Select the NO YEAR option when ordering.
CFE TICKET WINNERS: Congratulations to our CFE Ticket Winners from September 29 & October 6!