FRENCH AT CFE: Our friends at CFE welcomed special guests from the high school French program. Madame Ramsden's class visited Mrs. Slater's Library to read books in French and teach some of the language!
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
French Class
French Class
French Class
French Class
French Class
French Class
French Class
CONGRATULATIONS: We would like to recognize the following teachers who received Tenure with the Chenango Forks CSD at this week's Board of Education meeting: Gina Ruffo – MS | Nate Ford – HS | Jennifer White – MS | Alexsis Garges - HS
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
SUNY BROOME: Chenango Forks CSD would like to congratulate Gabe Dietzman and Michael Rullo (not pictured) on receiving the 'Frank G. Paul Medal of Excellence' for their work in STEM throughout their high school careers.
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
HERSHEY PARK: Students in Mrs. Laine's class traveled to Hershey Park in PA last week to study forces, energy, accelerations, and other physical concepts on the rollercoasters! (We think they might have enjoyed some chocolate too!)
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
CONGRATULATIONS: Calliope Brennan, an eighth grader, secured First Place in the Illustrated Poem Contest hosted by the American Chemical Society as part of Chemists Celebrate Earth Week. Next month, Calliope will represent our Local Section in the National Competition!
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
BBQ & BOTTLE DRIVE: Come support the CF Band program during their Chicken BBQ (provided by Brooks BBQ) and Bottle Drive! | Saturday, May 18,2024 from 11:00 am until gone! | Lowe's Parking Lot, Front St. | No preorders.
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
TICKET WINNERS: Congratulations to our ticket winners this week!
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
ticket winners
SCHOOL COMMUNICATORS DAY: Wishing the entire #schoolPR community a very happy #SchoolCommunicatorsDay and to our own Alex Ladstatter who helps keep our families informed every day! From social media to the website, newsletters, posters, music programs, live streaming and more!
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
RISE AND SHINE: Mr. Allport led our Rise and Shine Assembly for our 2nd and 3rd grade students. The focus for this assembly was on the habit of “sharpening the saw”. He gave a shout out to all the students in Mrs. Pixley’s class for helping him with the assembly.
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
BOARD OF EDUCATION: Meeting Reminder, May 13, 2024 | 6:00 p.m. at the Middle School - This meeting includes the 2024-2025 Budget Hearing.
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
May 13
CFTA SCHOLARSHIP: The Chenango Forks Teachers Association Scholarship Application has been posted. Look on the Senior Schoology page or see the Guidance Office for more information. Applications are due Thursday, May 23rd at 3:00 PM.
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
FASHION SHOW: Madame Dimatos' Middle School Classe de Francais showed off their best looks this week during their annual French Fashion Show! We love to see all of the creative looks!
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
NY THURSDAY: Today's NY Thursday Menu!
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
May 9
SCHOOL NURSES DAY: Did you know May 8th is School Nurses Day? At CF our nurses are our superheroes! Thank you to Mrs. Croswell, Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs. Berkeley, and Mrs. Cirigliano for all of the work they do!
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
School Nurses
HEARTS AND HANDS: Believe it, or not, Summer IS coming. Hearts and Hands is ready to assist you with your summer childcare needs and will run its Summer Program from June 24th - August 23rd. We will offer a childcare schedule tailored to your family’s needs. | Click here for more information:
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
AFTER PROM SIGN-UP: The Prom is less than 2 weeks away! We need volunteers to help chaperone time slots for after prom to make it a success. Use this link to register if you are interested!
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
ENVROTHON: Two teams from CF, the Sensational Scatters and the Phinntastic Phish, competed in the County and Regional NYS Envirothon Competition. Students tested their knowledge in aquatics, forestry, soils, wildlife, and a current issue at the Owego Sportsman's Club. The teams placed 4th and 5th in Broome County!
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
WE STILL HAVE SPACE: See Dr. Jennifer Wegmann at CFE! Registration closes tomorrow, and childcare is available! | Use this link to RSVP
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
TEACHER APPRECIATION: Chenango Forks CSD would like to take a moment to thank ALL of our teachers for their hard work, dedication, and energy they bring each day! #TeacherAppreciationWeek #ForksNation
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
Teacher Appreciation Week
RISE AND SHINE: Thank you to Mrs. Johnson's class for their Rise and Shine program on Friday. CFE also welcomed Miss Ann from 'Dance Connection' to discuss this month's trait of 'sharpening the saw'. Mr. Tellerday helped the class perform the school's song 'CFE is The Place to Be' on guitar! Congratulations to our shout-outs!
4 months ago, Chenango Forks CSD
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine