CF Updates

Hello Chenango Forks Community,

Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone has enjoyed a relaxing winter break filled with joy. As we move into 2024, I am excited to share with you the attached updates from our buildings, which includes some important calendar events for the district.

January is an important month that marks the academic halfway point of the school year. We are excited to measure and celebrate the academic successes of our students as we approach the end of the semester on January 26th.

For our District-Wide Character Education plan, January is the month that we focus on the habit of putting "First Things First". This habit is designed to help students prioritize what is important to them and empower them to plan ahead to spend time on these areas.

To help students stay on schedule, we are happy to announce that a new PA and bell systems were installed in the middle/high school over break and are now fully functional... Yeah!

Please enjoy this month's updates newsletter, and I hope you have a happy and healthy 2024!


Tom Burkhardt, Superintendent

Click Here for the Latest: CF January Forks Updates