In a heartfelt gesture of appreciation, John Steinbrecher, affectionately known as "Mister John" by our students and staff, has generously donated one of his captivating oil on canvas paintings to CFE. As an active participant in the Foster Grandparent Program at our institution, John has dedicated numerous years volunteering in Mrs. Rowlands' class. His benevolent act of presenting this artwork serves as a testament to his admiration for our school.
The entire CFE community is profoundly thankful for John's unwavering commitment and invaluable service to our students. The painting now takes its rightful place in the CFE auditorium, where it will delight and inspire all who visit, including students, staff, and esteemed guests. This remarkable artwork stands as a visual testament to the connection between art and education, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our school environment.
We extend our deepest gratitude to John Steinbrecher, or "Mister John," for his selfless contribution, which will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on our CFE community.