Our High School Art Club would like to thank the following people for donating products, gift cards and cash for our Product Pantries this year:
- Joseph McPeak
- Peter Landau
- Kurt Davis
- Ethan Knox
- Sarah May
- Ashley Lupka
- Abby Rosko
- Stephanie Furch
- Rachel Peppard
- Maureen Smith
- Stacy Maus
- Tami Crane Mandy Black
- Sarah Bernardini
- Christine Webb
- Megan Shaff
- Yvonne Schanck
- And several anonymous donors!
Product Pantries have been placed in each of Chenango Forks’ three schools, stocked with personal care products including tampons, pads, wipes, shampoo/conditioner, sunscreen, deodorant, mouthwash, bar soap, toothpaste, hair ties and bobby pins.
The Art Club raised $750 for the project with a Gilligan's Ice Cream Fundraiser. A Donors Choose Campaign raised $843 and was fully funded in less than 24 hours during the pre-funding phase of the campaign —before it even went live! The Art Club also donated $300 of the club’s funds to the project. Additional gift cards from anonymous donors came in as part of the Donors Choose Campaign and staff and community members have been dropping off product donations. Nimmonsburg United Methodist Church is also accepting product donations.
The four pantries are tucked in both art classrooms at the high school, the Middle School nurse’s office and the elementary “clothing closet.”
The project is spearheaded by Chenango Forks High School recent graduate Cassidy Nowik and the Art Club, but the could not have done it without the generous support of these donors! We are so grateful for the Chenango Forks community.