Gilligan's Ice Cream flyer

The High School Art Club is selling Gilligan's Ice Cream, from Gilligan's Island in Sherburne, to help fund the creation of hygiene stations for students who need access to deodorant, soap, shampoo, hair ties, makeup wipes, etc. Three stations will be established: two in the High School and one in the CFE.

Ice cream can be ordered from any CF Art Club member, or people can contact Keith Rosko ( Pick-up will be Friday, April 29 at the CFE lower parking lot. The fundraiser features four flavors plus a custom flavor called Forks Fudge: chocolate ice cream with fudge swirls, mini marshmallows and cookie dough chunks. The Black Raspberry, Mint Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Cup and Vanilla are gluten-free. The sale will end on April 18. We appreciate your support!