April is National School Library Month, and April 4-10 is National Library Week! Our three libraries have been busy with activities to recognize this time. At the CFE, our younger students are exploring a new Library website called Tumble Books. With this digital library of animated talking picture books, students can read along with fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels or ebooks. It is helping spread the joy of reading in a whole new way. Older students are learning about the difference between private and personal information and what is safe to post online. They are also talking about why it is risky to share private information online and the importance of finding a media balance. Nerdy Birdy Tweets by Aaron Reynolds is helping to reinforce the lesson. After reading and discussing the book, students are tweeting about their connection to the text.
April is also National Poetry Month. Fourth and fifth grade students celebrated by reading verse poetry by Kwame Alexander. Then, they learned about blackout poetry and students created their own poems.
In the Middle School, students are marking the week by showcasing book recommendations. Students visiting the library this week were invited to create a short review of a library book they enjoyed, which we posted on the shelf where the book is located. It helps readers to see which books their peers enjoyed, and we started up some great conversations about what we loved reading! Participating students were entered into a small prize drawing, which will be selected today in the afternoon.
In the High School, Library Club has just chosen their titles for book club. So, while they wait for those to arrive they are playing some library games! Eggs were hidden around the library, each with some candy and the first sentence of a young adult novel. Students are tasked with matching the egg with the corresponding title. They had a great time talking about these books!