The safety and security of our students and staff is our top priority. We have developed a district Emergency Response Plan and individual Building-Level Emergency Response Plans that outline protocols for emergencies including fire, bomb threat, medical emergency, acts of violence, natural/man-made disaster, bus accident and hazardous weather. These response plans are based on best practices and are reviewed annually.
In the wake of recent violence in schools across the nation, we understand that parents/guardians have many questions and concerns. To help address these, we have prepared a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
If you have a question or comment that is not addressed in these FAQs, we invite you to use the form below to submit your respectful question or constructive comment to our School Resource Officer (SRO). Anonymous submissions are not permitted.
Emergency Response Plans
The Chenango Forks Central School District has a district-wide Emergency Response Plan in effect and individual Building Level Emergency Response Plans in place that are reviewed on an annual basis to ensure compliance with the Commissioner of Education Regulation 155.17. This regulation was put into place to address emergencies that must be handled in an expeditious and effective manner. Schools are at risk for acts of violence as well as natural and man-made disasters. The district and school response plans address the prevention, response and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in schools.
To view the NYS Public Employer Emergency Health Plan, click here.