Mrs. Bender

6th Grade Science with Mrs. Bender

 Hello, my name is Rachel Bender.  I graduated from Chenango Valley High School and SUNY Cortland. I have a bachelor degree in Education N - 6th grade and a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction.  I have been teaching at Chenango Forks for 20 years. 

I am looking forward to spending this exciting year with your child. The key to a successful year is a strong communication between the teacher, parents, and students. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns through email ( or phone (648 -7576)

Welcome to 6th Grade 

Class: Science Teacher: Rachel Bender

Welcome to 6th grade Science! I am happy to have your child this year! I want to help the students reach their fullest potential as a learner. Education is a team effort between the teacher and home. If at any time you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress or if there is something you thin k I should know about your son or daughter please do not hesitate to contact me. The quickest way is via email; or you can call 648 – 7576.

This year in 6th grade your child will learn about Earth Science. Below is a list of the topics that will be covered throughout this year (the list is not in a particular order). The curriculum is driven by the New York State Intermediate level Science Standards.

Topics Covered

· Nature of Science

· Earth’s Materials

· Change and Earth’s History

· Earth’s Internal Processes

· Changing Surface of Earth

· Earth’s Air and Water

· Astronomy

· Human’s Impact on the Environment


In class the students will learn through reading, writing, taking notes and hands – on labs. To reach their fullest potential as learners the students need to come to class prepared, ask questions, participate and do their best.

Materials: the students will need to bring their science notebook, workbook (which will be handed out by me per unit of study), agendas and a pencil daily to class.  

Attendance: If students miss class for an absence, appointment, band lesson etc. they are responsible to stay for remedial to learn what they missed and to make up any work.

Remedial: this is held each Monday – Thursday from 2:30 – 3:00. It is a time to make up work or to receive extra help from a teacher. A student may ask or may be requested by a teacher to stay. These arrangements should be made prior to 2:15 and the student is responsible to let the parent/guardian know. Students can use classroom phones or the student phone in the main office.

Behavior: Students are expected to Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Reasonable at all times.  Using manners and being kind are expectations as well in CFMS.

Homework/Agendas: The students will have to bring their agendas to science class daily. In them we will record any homework for the day. Most of our learning and work will be done in class. However, assignments will come home to help reinforce the concepts taught. Homework will NOT occur nightly for science.

Communication/Progress Reports: Every 5 weeks you will be informed of your child’s academic progress. Progress Reports will be sent home with students. We don’t have scheduled parent – teacher conference days but if you would like to meet with any or all of us at any time, please contact us and we can schedule one.

Grading: We grade using a percent. 65% and up is passing. Therefore anything less than 65% is failing. Student homework, notebooks, labs, quizzes and tests will be graded. 


The 6th grade students participate in a Science Fair. Most of the preparation, research and final presentation will be done at home. They will be given a little time in class to come up with an idea and do some research. More details will follow as the Science Fair approaches.

Again, I look forward to an exciting year. Thank you for your anticipated support.

:) Mrs. Bender 

PLEASE NOTE: all students are given a student handbook. Please read this over with your child for more detailed information about your child’s education here at Chenango Forks Middle School.             

8 Science Practices

  1. Asking Questions

  2. Developing and using Models

  3. Planning and Carrying out Investigations

  4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data

  5. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

  6. Constructing Explanations

  7. Engaging in Argument

  8. Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Information 

Facts about Mrs. Bender


I have 3 sons - Trent, Ty, Tate 
I enjoy spending time with the boys
I love to read and sit by the pool
I love to shop
Basketball is my favorite sport
Yellow is my favorite color
Hamburgers are my favorite food
I have 2 older brothers
I have 2 nephews and 2 nieces
Spending time with my family is important
I have lived in 3 different states
I like to hike
I like to ride 4 wheelers
I fish with the boys
I like to watch the boys play baseball
My friends are important to me