Mr. Frazer

Mr. Frazer's Class

Welcome to the unique 2020/21 school year. Although this year will be unorthodox compared to what we have become used to, we have a unique opportunity to act as the pioneers we will learn about while recording our own story about these times.   As an educator I tend to use quotes and short stories as a form of inspiration and motivation, please free to share anything that inspires you.


- Students must come to class prepared to be engaged

- Assist in maintaining an up tempo classroom environment

- Technology must be put away unless it is being used for the purpose of the lesson

- Be respectful of the thoughts and opinions of your peers 

- Work with your peers and myself towards the common goal of learning 

knowledge is power

Quotes to live by: 

"We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore is not an act but habit"  - Aristotle 

"You were born an original, don't die a duplicate" - John Mason 

" It's better to have a toolbox full of tools you never use than not have the correct tool when you need it" - Unknown

Contact Info:

Mr. Frazer

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Mr. Frazer's Class